As we lost the chance to be at the start of the second Torino-Nice Rally this year, we decided to visit the dreamy gravel roads of “Via del Sale” (the salt way). A medieval road that connects Turin to the sea, famous for the incredible landscape and stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
Since the first edition of the Rally, there were many incredible pictures going on the web.
So, after a bit of planning, we left Turin for the first climb, which took us all the way to the French border. We were really excited to test the Cicli Bonanno Stay Loco with beefy WTB Riddler 45 tires. The bike and tire choice would be crucial to ensure comfort and speed on rough terrain. Needless to say, it was the perfect combination to explore such an incredible place.

The only thing that you can not plan, especially in high mountains, is what the weather will bring. We left Limone Piemonte with the sun shining on us, but as we passed 2000 m above sea level, we found ourselves in a thick humid mist!

Cold and wetness aside, we were more than rewarded with what we found in the fog. Riding through the white mist for hours put us in a seemingly unreal and mystical state, populated by strange sights and even stranger surroundings.

more on @muntagnincitadin